Auckland Plant Care | Natural InsecticIde with Native NEEM

For those of us who are into products that are as natural as possible, the word “insecticide” is one approached with caution.

We want to find the balance between a product that works (controls the unwanted invasions of pests and disease ) and is kind to the plant and environment - Native Neem’s Insecticide ticks all our boxes.

When using only natural products, we’ve found that it’s best to implement a regular routine of checking and treating any unwanted problems.

We have a small tropical fruit jungle where we grow banana trees, pawpaw, avocados, boysenberries and tamarillos. With the extremely warm summer and autumn we’ve noticed in increase in little aphid roommates. While some aphids are fine, (and actual helpful for the balance of good/bad bugs) we tend to get huge infestations of them feeding on our tamarillo leaves - partnered with all the ants around this season it makes for a situation we’d like to stay on top of.

Native Neem insecticide works by killing the insect (as it ingests the plant) as well as a barrier, insects are repelled by leaves that have been treated with the insecticide.

Neem oil contains Azadirachtin, an active compound which interferes with the normal life cycles of insects including feeding, mating, egg-laying. Best of all, it is BioGro certified organic!

We mixed 10ml with a litre of water and sprayed it over the infected areas of our crop.

Combining Neem oil with Diatomaceous Earth is an effective and natural way to combat existing infestations. You can purchase some from our store here.


Indoor Plant Grow Box NZ


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