Indoor Plant Grow Box NZ

Finding solutions or ways to improve is what fuels our ideas - and it’s a core motive in the journey we hope Jungle House will take.

We live in a converted historical cottage which means there’s some “interesting” nooks and crannies around the place. It turns out that in the 60s light and increasing use of space was not a priority when the place was turned from a school building (then shearing shed) into a liveable space.

In the kitchen there is a spot in the corner by the stove that is dark and neglected and would be perfect for fresh herbs, except they’d hate it.

We are in prototype and testing phase of our interior grow habitats and are living and breathing ways to bring more plants into the home for enjoyment, learning and encouraging curiosity about plants.

So naturally we looked at this pokey wee corner and thought, we can do better!

So here is our indoor grow box.

This morning when the children (aged 7,5&3) woke up and examined the herbs that they helped grow from seed, they were excited to see them thriving! Over breakfast they chatted about what plants they will grow next.

Maybe we’ll Build them one each for their rooms?


Biodegradable & Compostable - what these Terms actually mean


Auckland Plant Care | Natural InsecticIde with Native NEEM